Friday, December 6, 2013

Pagan Events: Melting P.O.T.

I always love finding out about new pagan events and gatherings in the area. I don't get to make each and every one, but I'm always thrilled to see the pagan community thriving and supporting one another. One such event that I'd like to share with you is just in the early stages of its development: The Melting P.O.T. by Pagans of Texas.

I'm really excited to know that after our move in the next week, I'll only be right around the corner from this promising new, family-friendly gathering for pagans from all backgrounds in the Texas area.

Hosted under the pines in the beautiful Burroughs Park in Tomball, TX, Melting P.O.T. will be a potluck style meet and greet for pagans from all over Houston and the surrounding areas. Local covens, circle, groups, and even solitaries can sign up to be a Participating Partner of Melting P.O.T. and spread the word!

I hope to see some of you out there come January! Brightest Yule!

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