
Tarot Readings:

Tarot is a sacred medium for divination and intuitive guidance. Each life is a sacred journey, and each pilgrim walks with a guide. We are not meant to travel alone. Learning to hear the voice of our guides, to be fluent in the language of the Universe and the collective and personal subconscious is integral to navigating our path with joy, serenity, and success. I've been reading tarot professionally for the last five years. As a reader, I prefer to do my readings via email, which has allowed me to read for people all over the country! But you can also find me reading face to face at Body Mind & Soul in Houston on occasion during one of their biweekly Psychic Sundays.

The beautiful, archetypal imagery of tarot appeals to the artist in me. And as a writer, I love expressing the layered meanings and messages that come through the cards. Emailed readings come with the benefit of a hard copy in the form of a Word or PDF attachment, a record of your reading that you can keep and refer to again and again, as well as presenting no scheduling conflicts. Questions are allowable after the reading via email reply. Email readings are typically completed within 24 hours after the request comes in, and quickly and easily paid for through Paypal. Face to face readings are by appointment and currently only available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

*Ask me about special group, party, and event pricing!

Purchase or Schedule:
5 Card Spread Intuitive Tarot Reading, via email: $66
*includes a graphic layout of your spread, a 5-6 page written interpretation of your reading, a bonus 1 crystal reading to further clarify the message of the cards, and my bonus signature "metaphysical prescription"--a suggestion you can implement immediately to effect positive change!
Your question:

5 Card Spread Intuitive Tarot Reading, by personal appointment: $66, Tuesdays or Thursdays only
*includes personal client contact with the cards, a 20-45 minute verbal interpretation of your reading, a bonus 1 crystal reading to further clarify the message of the cards, and my bonus signature "metaphysical prescription"--a suggestion you can implement immediately to effect positive change!
Email me with your question to schedule an appointment: anna@annasilverauthor.com

*All readings are done for the benefit of entertainment only and are not intended to take the place of medical, legal, or other professional counsel. By requesting a reading you agree not to hold Anna Silver liable for any information you do or do not receive, or any harm, loss, damage, or injury you incur as a result of your response to your reading.

You must be 18 or older, or have a parent or guardian's express consent, to receive a reading.

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